At Kelso State School our behaviour processes are based around our school-wide set of expectations and Student Code of Conduct. These expectations apply to every person, in every context and setting. Our expectation matrix focuses on our core values;
- Be Safe
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful

From these core values, a set of we statements have been developed to highlight the actions everyone should be undertaking in order for safety, responsibility and respect to be occurring. The expectation matrix aims to ensure that all students, staff, visitors and community members share a common language for discussing behaviour.
Our expectations are continually modelled and reinforced by:
- explicit teaching of our school-wide expectations and core values by all persons, in all contexts.
- focussed classroom lessons taught weekly
- regular reference to school-wide expectations
- revisiting previously taught expectations
- modelling of safe, responsible and respectful behaviours by all school staff at all times
- actively engaging students in reflective conversations using the matrix as a key tool
- providing students with praise for accomplishing new tasks, following rules and meeting school-wide expectations
- looking for the positive first and providing immediate, frequent, specific and positive feedback
- using pre-correcting, prompting, positive reinforcement and redirection as we teach
- referencing and using the expectations matrix in all behaviour discussions with parents, carers, families and community members
Your child's classroom teacher is a great first point of contact for questions and clarifications around our expectation matrix and code of conduct. We encourage parents/carers to be actively engaged in behaviour conversations relating to their children.
Alternately, you may also speak to our office to book a time to meet with one of our leadership team if you wish to discuss matters related to our school behaviour management policies and decision making processes.