At Kelso State School we believe communication plays an integral part in building respectful relationships between the school, students, parents and the school
community. This communication sends a clear signal to students
about the value of all stakeholders working together towards educational success. We define effective communication as exchanges between students, parents, carers, communities and the school that is inclusive and involves information sharing and opportunities to learn from each other. This definition aligns with the Department of Education's Parent and Community Engagement Framework.
Click on the images below to learn how you can support your child's learning.

Parent-Teacher Communication
At Kelso State School, we value strong communication between parents/guardians and teachers as it plays a vital role in supporting student learning and well-being. Open communication helps us work together to address individual needs, celebrate successes, and resolve concerns promptly. We encourage parents and guardians to discuss and negotiate with their child's teacher the best mode and frequency of communication, ensuring it fits the needs of your family and aligns with the teacher's availability.
Key Contacts
Please note the below email addresses are monitored by multiple people. If sending items of a confidential nature please contact the school for the direct email address of the staff member.
Curriculum and Literacy:
Special and Inclusive Education:
Wellbeing and Behaviour:
Guidance Officer:
Parent and Community Association:
Formal Reporting
Written reporting occurs at the end of each Semester. These report on student achievement for each learning subject studied in the reporting period, against the relevant achievement standard. Student effort and behaviour is also reported.
Oral Reporting is offered formally twice a year during the first two weeks of Term 2 and 4, and after the written reports are issued. The purpose of the interview is to meet parents/guardians and give them professional advice as to the progress of their student/s. Interviews are held in the teacher's classroom.