At Kelso State School, we believe in the importance of engaging students in diverse range of opportunities to develop leadership and to help them grow into confident, independent learners.
Our Student Leadership programs are facilitated by Miss Stacey Burrows.
Year 5 Student Leadership
Students in Year 5 are involved in a Leadership Program, commencing in term 4 each year, allowing them to engage in a leadership day and support them through leadership applications for the following year.
School Leadership Positions
4 x School Captains
2 x Indigenous Leaders
2 x Music Captains
2 x Sports Captains for each sports house: Bibringa, Korowa, Mankoor and Tallaboi
Student council: 2 students from each class in years 3 to 6
Big Buddies: open to application for students in senior primary

Student council
Representatives are elected to be a member of Kelso State School Student Council by their peers. Each class from year 3 to 6 elects 2 council members to represent them.

Our school, Indigenous, music and house captains are all members of the student council.
Students are involved in a range of activities involving fundraising, leading school parades, special ceremonies and a leadership camp to Paluma Enivronmental Education Centre in term 1 of the year.