At Kelso State School we have a specifically designed Prep enrolment program to help transition your child in a safe and supportive manner.
Enrolment Checklist:
To help facilitate an easy enrolment process the following dot points can be used as a helpful guide:
- Collect an enrolment pack from our front office.
- Return completed paperwork to the school, with your child's birth certificate and any medical or diagnosis information if it is available.
- Book an enrolment interview with our Prep team. Our office staff will assist you with this.
- Attend the enrolment interview. It is helpful if your child can attend this interview with you.
- Use the Prep Pack, provided at the enrolment interview, to get ready for an amazing prep year!
Open Day
Our Open Day is your chance to come and see our Prep classrooms. A coffee van will be available for parents to purchase refreshments and you can meet some of our friendly school staff. There will be a variety of fun and engaging activities for your children to be involved in.
Prep Taster Day
On our Prep Taster Day your child has the opportunity to attend a prep classroom and trial some of the learning activities they will engage with once they begin Prep. These days generally include a selection of activities that focus on fine and gross motor skills, literacy and numeracy skills.
Under 8's Day
Under 8's day is a fun and engaging day for all students under 8 years of age. A range of activities facilitated by school staff, local community organisations and special guests ensure all children have an enjoyable experience.

Transition Day

Transition Day is a chance for you and your child to engage in a structured school experience with their peers for the following year. We try our best to have students in their proposed class groups and teacher. It is important to note all final placements are pending day 8 numbers.