Throughout each school year there may be the opportunity for students in all year levels to attend different curriculum aligned excursions. Parents and carers will be informed of excursions, and relevant cost, via excursion permission and information letters. These letters are sent home with students and include information relating to dates, times, transportations, locations, purpose and costing. If you require further information on any excursion please contact your child's classroom teacher.
Year 6 School Camp
As part of our Kelso leadership activities we offer a camp to Year 6 students each year. The camp is held at Paluma Environmental and Education Centre (PEEC) during semester one. The Paluma Environmental Education Centre is nestled amongst the lush, tropical rainforests of the Paluma Range National Park in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. Situated approximately 80km north of Townsville, the Centre is the perfect base for an exposure to one of nature's most delicate and diverse ecosystems.

Leadership Camps are a wonderful opportunity for students to set and challenge personal goals, identify what 'leadership' means to them, develop interpersonal and teamwork skills while having a great time. Staff and students use the knowledge they have learnt about each other to form opinions about suitable candidates for leadership positions and to develop skills for a successful transition into secondary schooling. PEEC offers a wide range of activities to challenge students mentally and physically. Students also spend a day completing activities at Paluma Adventure centre, which runs activities such as such as High Ropes, Rock Climbing, Challenge Course, Archery and more. PEEC also offers additional activities at Lake Paluma such as Canoeing and Raft Building. The camp itself is fully catered by PEEC staff. Accommodation consists of dormitories for all students. There are full toilet and showering facilities for the students.