Kelso State School has varied systems of support including access to our Guidance Office.
Our Guidance Officer works at Kelso every Wednesday and Thursday to provide guidance and support to our school community working directly with students and teachers, support personnel, family and other specialists and professionals.
Support Resources
- Kids Matter Website: A great website for parents to support them in parenting and building strong family relationships.
- Headspace: Headspace delivers support to young people in four areas - mental health, general health, drug and alcohol and work and study support.
- Kids' Health: Lots of topics about healthy living, as well as stuff on illnesses, infections, and other annoying complaints.
- Anger Management: Written in a child friendly format.
- Parenting: The Raising Children Network website is based on the philosophy that all children and families are individual and different. We provide scientifically validated information, translated into everyday language, to help parents and carers make decisions that work for them in their individual family circumstances.
- Online Safety Practical government information and helpful advice to help keep children, whole families and businesses safe online.
Support Agencies
Kids Helpline:1800 55 1800 Kids Helpline is Australia's only free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.
Parentline: 1300 30 1300 Parent Line is a telephone counselling, information and referral service for parents of children aged 0 to 18 years who live in Australia.
Lifeline: 13 11 14 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Local Community Services: A range of services are provided through local Lifeline Centres across Australia that meets the needs of local communities. These services may include:
Suicide prevention and bereavement service
Face-to-face counselling
Financial counselling
Gambling counselling
Youth services
Disability services
Welfare programs
Rural outreach
Migrant support services
Family and mediation services
Counselling services for children
School based education programs
Information education and support groups
Aged care visitation; and
Indigenous support services
To find out what services are offered in your local area contact your nearest Lifeline Centre.
JCU Health: James Cook University Health Services. Specialist services for individuals and families needing assessment or intervention James Cook University Health Services. Specialist services for individuals and families needing assessment or intervention
Centacare: A registered NDIS provider. This agency has been working with people across North Queensland since 1979 and provides a range of programs to assist individuals, families and communities.
Red Cross Family Support Program: Provides practical support to enhance parenting skills, develop family communication and relationships.
UnitingCare Community: Delivers a range of services to families including counselling and family support.
Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Services (TAIHS): 47538300 Provides culturally competent support services for indigenous families of programs to assist individuals, families and communities.
Triple P Postive Parenting Program: Help with parenting strategies and improve children's behaviour.
The Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS): A specialised mental health service for children and young people (0-18 years) and their families within the immediate Townsville area.CYMHS offers assessment and therapeutic services for children and young people who are experiencing moderate to severe psychiatric disorders or behavioural, emotional and developmental problems affecting all areas of their daily lives.